Founded by pedagogues in 1999 and used extensively by many academic organisations around the world, URKUND is synonymous with automated anti-plagiarism efforts in Northern and Western Europe, to date allowing hundreds of thousands of teacher-hours to be spent on planning, teaching and guidance instead. URKUND’s development over the years has led to a constant and stable increase in client numbers without leading to compromising quality; this has resulted in HTW Berlin finding URKUND to be the most effective plagiarism detection system in their latest two comprehensive tests.

The purpose of this demo was intended as a professional development activity to provide an opportunity to find out about other technologies that exist to detect plagiarism in addition to Turnitin. There is no plan to replace Turnitin in the BLE Colleges. 

1. Welcome & Introductions (Sarah Sherman, BLE Service Manager)
2. Introducing URKUND (James Bennett, URKUND Regional Manager, UK)
  • About URKUND
  • About plagiarism detection
  • Moodle demo
    • Create assignment
    • Hand in an essay as a student
    • See the report in Moodle as a teacher
  • Go through the URKUND analysis report
  • Ghost-writers and how URKUND works against them
  • Q&A

A recording of the event can be accessed here:

Last modified: Friday, 16 September 2016, 3:30 PM