Navigation in Moodle
When you open a link within a section, it's not always obvious how to go back to the coursepage. There are several ways to do this, but one of the more convenient is the breadcrumb trail* that you'll see at the top of each page. It's probably showing something like this at the moment:

breadcrumb trail

'My Courses' is a sub-section of your home page (Home) and "BLE_Moodle_Induction" is a sub-section of 'My Courses'. As you navigate through Moodle, the trail changes according to how far into each section you've progressed. In the example above, you are at the "How to navigate around Moodle"; if you need to return to any earlier point, just click the respective link in the trail.

Another method is the use of the Navigation block which you can see to the left.

*"Breadcrumb trail" named after the use of the trail laid by Hansel and Gretel in the fairytale. More information about this can be found here

Last modified: Wednesday, 14 March 2012, 9:31 AM